
A simple webpage i made for fun that uses the "Nekoatsume" game as inspiration.
Originally designed to be an "intro" site for my hobbies, but repurposed for portfolio.
All assets belong to Hit-Point, while I did all of the coding.


This is Ganache! (Choco-san in Japanese)
Ganache is a glaze, icing, sauce, or filling for pastries made from chocolate and cream, which Ganache is most likely named after.


This is my favourite cat, Peaches! (Cream-san in Japanese)
It has a heart on it's side, and is considered one of the hardest cats to get, despite being a "normal" rarity cat.


This is Frosty (Yukineko-san in Japanese), a rare cat!
It's meant to resemble a Japanese snow rabbit. (SHown below)

What's this?

This is mainly here to show off a "menu" function.

The other three buttons now just leads you to cats.


Two text-based story builders I made for friends


Sample 1: Visual Novel-styled
sample builder


Sample 2: Chat log-styled
sample builder